Detox Foods for a New Year Cleanse….

During January, many of us are wishing to clear away all the toxins and excesses enjoyed over the Christmas Period. Detoxing, is the body’s natural process of ridding itself from harmful toxins. The body is amazing, and does this all on its own. There are many special detox programmes and diets out there, but we can simply use ordinary foods to help our body detox our selves the natural way.

I think that it’s important to state that you don’t need to go overboard!! There is no need to shock the system by overdoing the detox. Simply incorporate more delicious, detoxing, power foods into your diet and you’ll see and feel the benefits.



Lemon…Lemon is not only packed full of Vitamin C but is thought to aid the body’s acid-alkali balance, keeping the body at a steady pH. This helps support the ‘healthy bacteria’.

Berries…I have previously talked in other articles about the power of berries!!! Anti-oxidant power houses! Try Acai or Goji if you want something extreme and different.

Green Leafy Vegetables…We all know these are fantastic!!! Not only are they good for us, they’re thermogenic… ( see article on my top 10 thermogenic foods ). Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, spinach and Kale are all great examples. They are high in dietry fibre, which aids digestion, but contain essential vitamins and nutrients which aid the body’s natural detoxification process.

Green kale, for example, is not only a fabulous source of fibre and folate, but a myriad of detoxing antioxidants, including vitamins A, B6, C, K, as well as beautifying calcium and pH balancing potassium.

Garlic…Garlic is packed with toxin busting anti-oxidants and a naturally occurring chemical called allicin. When digested, this reacts with the blood and creates a product capable of killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses. It is also thought to be helpful in lowering cholesterol and regulating blood pressure.

Flaxseeds…Two tablespoons of flaxseed provides over 100% of your daily allowance of omega 3 fatty acids. These are good fats,  which support healthy cell development and promote a healthy heart. The seeds are also packed full of metabolising manganese (a trace mineral used for several vital bodily functions) and dietary fibre, which aids the body’s natural detoxification process by helping digestion.

Water…Up your intake to the recommended 1.5- 2 litres a day!!! You’ll feel fuller, healthier and give yourself that much need cleanse. For more information on how helpful water can be in aiding weight loss…( read our article on 10 reasons why we need to drink more water to improve weight loss… )

Wheatgrass…Wheatgrass is a real power house of antioxidants and other health benefits. I will shortly be blogging more in depth about its powerful qualities. I use ‘organic wheatgrass powder from My Protein’ . Wheatgrass powder doesn’t taste amazing… just as you would expect really. Smells a bit like grass or hay, but I really do feel the benefits when I use it. Wheatgrass is thought to have unique and powerful cleansing abilities thanks to the scores of different vitamins and minerals it contains. Benefits are said to range from flushing out the liver and blood to curing acne and even preventing grey hair!

Watch out for my article on more about this….coming soon to The Aark.

Grapefruit/Oranges…As well as metabolism-boosting properties, grapefruits are thought to rid the body of unwanted toxins thanks to the high levels of vitamin C they contain. As are Oranges…a great option if you find grapefruits a little too sour!

Onion- Red & Green…Onions, particularly red and green ones , are packed with sulphur-containing amino acids, which help your body to flush toxins out of your system by making them water soluble. They also contain the building blocks for an essential liver compound called glutathione, which it needs in order to carry out your body’s natural detoxification process.

Carrots…Carrot juice is a favourite among detox devotees, because the root vegetables are a full of antioxidant vitamins, minerals and beta carotene.

Beetroot…Beetroot commonly features in detox diets, and not without good reason. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including betacyanin – the pigment that gives beetroot its deep ruby colour.

Pumpkin Seeds…Adding a few pumpkin seeds onto a salad or into a bowl of cereal is an easy way to up the detoxing power of your food. As well as protein and skin-boosting zinc, pumpkin seeds are packed with manganese, magnesium and phosphorus.

Cinnamon…Cinnamon is a fantastic metabolism booster and is great for stimulating the body’s natural detoxification process. This is due to the high levels of antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties it contains. Sprinkle on cereal or add to your favourite hot drinks to reap the benefits.  More information on  Cinnamon’s amazing health benefits…coming soon to ‘The Aark’…

Chillies…Chillies are packed with antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, of which it contains the highest amount out of all the food groups. They’re great for boosting your metabolism and speeding along the detoxing process.

Of course, there are many other foods, such as fantastic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds etc that are equally as good. I have tried to include easy to use ingredients that I believe work well and can be added into your diet without too much hassle.

Aark Author: Anna Sharp

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