As the winter starts to approach it is important to make sure you take good care of your joints. When the joints are cold they are more susceptible to injury. If you are also unfortunate to suffer with Arthritis or other joint conditions, it is especially important to follow some simple tips to ensure you enjoy this winter without being hampered by injury and aches & pains.

With the winter weather approaching we see a substantial changes in Barometric pressure. Barometric pressure is the weight of the atmosphere that surrounds us. Although evidence is not conclusive many people report increases in aches & pains during the winter months.

Wrap up warm

Make sure you dress appropriately for the day, UK weather is notoriously unpredictable.

Supplements Savvy

Make sure you are taking enough vitamin D, we don’t produce vitamin D during the winter months so make sure you are getting enough through a well varied diet and supplementation. Glucosamine & chondroitin have also shown very good effects for joint care. Eat plenty of oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines packed full of omega 3 fatty acids. These are anti inflammatory and will help to ease aches and pains. Vitamin C keeps you fighting fit and ready to fight off any infection coming your way.

Drink plenty of water

During the winter time we tend not to drink enough water as we opt for more coffees and teas. Try to keep your intake of good quality filtered water to about 2 litres a day. Staying hydrated is the first rule for good tissue health.

Stay safe wear appropriate shoes

Avoid those icy patches, be care of those downhill walks to the station for work. Plus take extra care when shovelling snow….if we have any.


Stay active during the winter months, its important to keep the muscles and joints active and mobile to ensure good circulation, keep the body supple and stop it from seizing up.

Hot Bath

At the end of the day have a hot bath or shower, this enables the blood vessels to dilate and relax all the muscles that have been working hard all day.


Especially after the hot bath of an evening, stretching the muscles will prepare you for the next day feeling supple and ready for action.

Have Osteopathic treatment

A regular treatment with an osteopath throughout the winter months will keep joints free and mobile.

The Aark Osteopath Lloyd Tilney

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