VITAMIN D. Most of us are deficient!

Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Where do you get yours from?

Although not actually a vitamin at all, Vitamin D is really a hormone!

A steroid hormone to be exact. The term Vitamin D refers to Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, these crucial hormones are integrally used in about 3000 chemical mechanisms in the body. Considering there are 30,000 mechanisms taking place in total thats a lot.

Vitamin D3 is the one that we synthesise in our skin through sun exposure. Nutritionally, Vitamin D3 has been shown to be the preferred option for treating Vitamin D deficiency.

Research into the role this hormone/vitamin plays in disease prevention from cancer prevention to preventing colds, flus, DNA repair, aids immune function, cardiovascular health and many other chronic conditions such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel disease, multiple sclerosis.

During the winter months we don’t produce vitamin D, if your not going on a winter sun holiday(don’t burn) its essential we obtain it through our diet.

Good sources of foods are: Organic oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, organic free range eggs,

Up to date research on Vitamin D now states that we need approximately 8000 IU’s of Vitamin D per day. This is a lot higher than previously thought. That is understood to be the level we need to maintain our serum levels above 40 ng/ml.

Essentially, in a nut shell, all we need to know is that most of us are deficient in this vital hormone and actively looking at ways to increase its consumption through sunlight, food and supplementation should be a priority for optimal health.

I’s important to remember we don’t want to burn so use spf sunscreen when necessary, but frequent safe exposure to sunlight is the most natural way to obtain vitamin D3.

For more detailed information regarding Vitamin D, please read these respected articles.


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