One of the worlds oldest and trusted detoxifying remedy. Activated Charcoal is known to be a powerful toxin killer. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH YOUR BARBECUE CHARCOAL!, THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSUMED!

It can be bought in capsule form, is odourless, tasteless and non toxic. The ‘ACTIVATED’ part means it has a very small particle size, which creates an enormous surface area for toxins to bind to.

For over 10,000 years chinese medicine, ayervedic and western medicine have used Activated Charcoal to improve the health of the intestines and bind to poisons in a process known as ADSORPTION (meaning to bind). Activated charcoal does not absorb into the body as in ‘ABSORPTION’. It stays in the G.I tract and takes toxins with it when you have a bowel movement. Toxins it’s not used for are when petroleum, acids, corrosive poisons are ingested. Obviously, in this case, I would head to A+E.

One of the most powerful detoxifying remedies used for general detoxification, bloating, gas, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (irritable bowel disease), digestion problems, preventing hangover, teeth whitening, preventing bad breath, gum disease, helps prevent cavities, preventing toxic mould build up in the body, acne, body odour and even hyperactive children after they’ve eaten sugary food believe it or not!

The best source of Activated charcoal is from ‘COCONUT’ (is there anything about this plant that isn’t amazing?). The extreme negative electronic charge of Activated charcoal especially from coconut creates such a porous effect that it traps positively charged toxins and flatulence to it.

When consuming Activated charcoal, it is vital to drink plenty of water, at least 2-3 litres. Activated charcoal can cause dehydration if taken without adequate amounts of water. The water adds extra benefits to flush the body of the toxins, maintain hydration and prevent constipation.

Not all Activated charcoal is made equally, the best source I’ve come across is from coconut shells, with no added sweeteners. Some brands add sweeteners to give a slight taste, however, sweeteners contain toxins so that defeats the purpose really.

Always read the labels of products and stick to the daily dosage guidelines. It’s best consumed as a very mild detoxifier to keep the body running as clean & pure as possible.

Author: Lloyd Tilney B.Ost (Hons) The Aark Clinic



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