Benefits of Camomile Tea… Have you tried it???

Herbal and fruit tea infusions are commonly regarded as having great health properties, and over the years, I have tried quite a few. Some I like, and others…. I DON’T! It doesn’t matter how good something is for you, if you cant get into it, or you don’t like it, you won’t stick to it and make it a part of your lifestyle.


Recently I’ve been drinking Camomile tea, and have grown to really like it! It’s caffeine free which is always good, as too much caffeine is not good for you. It helps to promote restful sleep, so is great to have just before bed.

It’s milder in taste than some herbal teas, with a unique soft buttery flavour. Camomile is related to the daisy, and smells a little flowery like a meadow. It does have a slightly bitter after taste if you brew it for a long time. It is calming and soothing, and amazing used on the skin for eczema or skin irritations.

Benefits include:

1) Sleep: Camomile tea can make you feel calm and is a popular sleep aid. If you suffer with nightmares or insomnia, give this a go…

2) Digestion: It soothes stomach aches, eases the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, promotes elimination, and assists in overall digestion.

3) Immune Boost: Great immune booster and cold fighter.

4) Skin: Camomile is great for the skin. It soothes and calms irritation and is said to be great for those with acne and eczema.

So, if you feel like slotting something quick and easy into your daily routine, try a cup of Camomile Tea.

Aark Author: Anna Sharp

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