What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are friendly beneficial bacteria that live in our small and large intestines. They are crucial to our survival and share a symbiotic relationship with us. There are roughly 100 TRILLION bacteria living in our gut. Keeping a healthy balance of bacteria is fundamental to our health because 80% of our IMMUNE SYSTEM is located in or around the digestive tract. People refer to gut bacteria as ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’, but actually they all perform a function in one way or another. They are responsible and intrinsically linked to our hormones, chemical messages to our brain and so many other key functions, we need to make sure we are looking after our ‘SYMBIOTIC’ partners in life.

Renewlife ultimate flora

Disruptions to Bacterial Balance

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One of the worlds oldest and trusted detoxifying remedy. Activated Charcoal is known to be a powerful toxin killer. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH YOUR BARBECUE CHARCOAL!, THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSUMED!

It can be bought in capsule form, is odourless, tasteless and non toxic. The ‘ACTIVATED’ part means it has a very small particle size, which creates an enormous surface area for toxins to bind to.

For over 10,000 years chinese medicine, ayervedic and western medicine have used Activated Charcoal to improve the health of the intestines and bind to poisons in a process known as ADSORPTION (meaning to bind). Activated charcoal does not absorb into the body as in ‘ABSORPTION’. It stays in the G.I tract and takes toxins with it when you have a bowel movement. Toxins it’s not used for are when petroleum, acids, corrosive poisons are ingested. Obviously, in this case, I would head to A+E.

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Want Iconic Hair? Try Elasticizer originally developed for Audrey Hepburn…

Why use Elasticizer???

If your hair is in poor condition and needs some extra help, then Philip Kingsley’s Elasticizer may be the product for you. If your hair is coloured, processed, snapping or splitting then it may be that hero product your hair needs. Sometimes, you can get used to the way your hair feels and actually forget what Strong, Healthy, Shiny hair used to feel like. Maybe it’s dry and course after years of processsing or maybe you have been ill and medication has changed the quality of your hair.

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Protect your Hair this Summer Holiday!!! Use Philip Kingsley Swimcap treatment….

When we know we’re going away on our Holidays, most of us enjoy a pre-holiday extravaganza at the Hairdressers making sure our Cut and Colour looks fab for those all important Holiday Snaps.

But certain hair types and colours can really suffer! We’ve all heard of bleached hair turning green in the chlorine or hair becoming dry and frazzled in the sun. If you suffer with this, then Philip Kingsley’s Swimcap might be your saviour!!!

Don’t fret! It’s not an actual Swimming Cap!

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Want Beautiful Hair ?? Try my Favourite Shampoo & Conditioner !!! Liz Earle…

Fabulous for the Hair & Scalp !!!!

Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare offers simple, no-fuss beauty products that really work on all skin types by harnessing the potent powers of the finest naturally active ingredients. As a big fan of Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare, I was excited to go out and buy their Shampoo & Conditioner when it was launched some months ago. In the Liz Earle Skincare range, they have one Cleanser (the very famous Cleanse & Polish) and then different moisturisers depending on your specific Skin Type.

I was pleased to discover, that Liz Earle’s Haircare range is no different !!!

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