Free Radicals…What are they ???

Free radicals

(FR) are unstable and highly reactive molecules which cause oxidative damage in our bodies. To illustrate the point, it’s similar to leaving a lump of iron in a glass of water, eventually it will rust up, and that’s exactly what oxidative stress does to our bodies. These Free Radicals are unstable because they are missing an electron, so to try and stabilise themselves, they steal electrons from any molecule that comes into contact with them. Quite a battle going on there!

Free Radicals

If you imagine inside your body and think of all the changes that are happening when oxidation (rusting up) occurs, you can imagine the effects it could have in the long term.

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What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are friendly beneficial bacteria that live in our small and large intestines. They are crucial to our survival and share a symbiotic relationship with us. There are roughly 100 TRILLION bacteria living in our gut. Keeping a healthy balance of bacteria is fundamental to our health because 80% of our IMMUNE SYSTEM is located in or around the digestive tract. People refer to gut bacteria as ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’, but actually they all perform a function in one way or another. They are responsible and intrinsically linked to our hormones, chemical messages to our brain and so many other key functions, we need to make sure we are looking after our ‘SYMBIOTIC’ partners in life.

Renewlife ultimate flora

Disruptions to Bacterial Balance

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VITAMIN D. Most of us are deficient!

Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Where do you get yours from?

Although not actually a vitamin at all, Vitamin D is really a hormone!

A steroid hormone to be exact. The term Vitamin D refers to Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, these crucial hormones are integrally used in about 3000 chemical mechanisms in the body. Considering there are 30,000 mechanisms taking place in total thats a lot.

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One of the worlds oldest and trusted detoxifying remedy. Activated Charcoal is known to be a powerful toxin killer. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH YOUR BARBECUE CHARCOAL!, THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSUMED!

It can be bought in capsule form, is odourless, tasteless and non toxic. The ‘ACTIVATED’ part means it has a very small particle size, which creates an enormous surface area for toxins to bind to.

For over 10,000 years chinese medicine, ayervedic and western medicine have used Activated Charcoal to improve the health of the intestines and bind to poisons in a process known as ADSORPTION (meaning to bind). Activated charcoal does not absorb into the body as in ‘ABSORPTION’. It stays in the G.I tract and takes toxins with it when you have a bowel movement. Toxins it’s not used for are when petroleum, acids, corrosive poisons are ingested. Obviously, in this case, I would head to A+E.

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If you haven’t yet read part one of Leaky Gut here is the link Leaky Gut.

Healing a Leaky Gut starts and ends with the microbiome. We have to identify what foods or irritants are entering your GUT in the first place that’s causing the breakdown of the gut lining and chronic inflammation.

This can be very difficult but excluding these known irritants is a start:

  • Grains
  • Chemical additives found in processed food
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Unhealthy oils like corn, vegetable, soya bean
  • alcohol made with wheat, barley etc
  • Excessive carbohydrates
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Many people are unaware what is LEAKY GUT. You probably have, most people do. I’ve been researching leaky gut and other gut related health conditions for the past 8 months now and thought i’d shed some light on leaky gut to help spread the word about what it is and how we can repair our gut.


Leaky gut is clearly a condition that affects the gut, but it is so much more than that. This condition affects the entire body, from gut to brain, from liver to thyroid. In my previous post I talked about the MICROBIOME (all the bacteria in our intestines) and the importance of knowing how to feeding the good bacteria.

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The Microbiome is the myriad of species found in your gut. That is to say your gastro intestinal tract. Every inch of your food pipe from mouth to anus.

Over the years, but especially in recent times research into how important and critical to overall health and wellbeing the Microbiome is is starting to filter into main stream society. Without getting bogged down in all the complicated research and findings, I wanted to highlight some crucial facts about the microscopic species found in our gut. Highlight some key ways we can improve the habitat for ‘GOOD’ bacteria which will have profound positive effects on your body and your life.

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Spring 2014 Weight Loss Tips


We often confuse thirst with hunger, leading to loading our body with unnecessary calories, when what we really need is a glass of water. If you prefer, drink tea with fruit flavour but no sugar. It is a simple and healthy trick that will help you a lot in your weight loss efforts. Recommended Daily allowance is roughly 2 litres depending on the amount of activity you do, 2.5 litres in the summer.

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There’s a lump in my throat!…Do you have a Hiatus Hernia???

Do you suffer with acid reflux? Do you feel like there’s something stuck in your throat? Do you sometimes feel the need to vomit or regurgitate? Do you feel like you need to continually swallow?

Is your diaphragm to blame????

Normally, the oesophagus or food pipe passes down through the chest, crosses the diaphragm, and enters the abdomen through a hole in the diaphragm (large domed muscle that controls breathing) called the oesophageal hiatus. Just below the diaphragm, the oesophagus joins the stomach. In individuals with hiatus hernia, the opening of the oesophageal hiatus (hiatal opening) is larger than normal, and a portion of the upper stomach slips up or passes (herniates) through the hiatus and into the chest.

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