If you haven’t yet read part one of Leaky Gut here is the link Leaky Gut.

Healing a Leaky Gut starts and ends with the microbiome. We have to identify what foods or irritants are entering your GUT in the first place that’s causing the breakdown of the gut lining and chronic inflammation.

This can be very difficult but excluding these known irritants is a start:

  • Grains
  • Chemical additives found in processed food
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Unhealthy oils like corn, vegetable, soya bean
  • alcohol made with wheat, barley etc
  • Excessive carbohydrates

By removing these foods from your diet, you will be greatly lowering the low-grade inflammation not only in your gut but all over your body. We also need to start creating an environment whereby healing can take place in the most optimal way. We need to start providing the gut and the body with the foods and nutrients it needs to repair.

These are:

1. Multi species, Dairy FREE, Probiotic

2. Fermented Vegetables


4. Omega 3 Rich foods like seafood and salmon NOT farmed.

5. Bone Broth

6. Healthy fats like Coconut oil, avocado, pure olive oil, olives.

7. prioritize whole foods

8. Supplement with L-Glutamine.

Making these changes will yield some fantastic potentially life changing results. I’ve already seen positive changes with some of my patients from simple dietary changes that don’t impact your daily life. In the last few years there have been great strides in learning about the effects of leaky gut & healing a leaky gut. Many doctors are prescribing gluten FREE, casein FREE, sugar FREE diets when treating children with autism, ADHD and are seeing great results. Even conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder. It’s a very interesting age of discovery time for this part of science. If you suffer from any of these symptoms then try implementing these key points and see how you get on.

Author Lloyd Tilney

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