Foot Pain- High Heels to Flip Flops!!

Feet are like the foundation of a building, subtle changes to the structure and mechanisms of the foot can have local and far reaching effects throughout the body. Low back pain, hip pain, knee pain can all be symptoms of ‘unsound’ foot mechanics. Bunions, high heels, flip flops, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, in growing toenails, heel pain, high heels, gout  even verruca’s and blisters all potentially upset the normal mechanisms in the foot and can lead to pain elsewhere in the body.

A great example this time of year is the transition from high heels to flip flops.  High heels throw off your alignment. They change the center of gravity, causing extra stress and strain on the lower back. Winter months of wearing high heels chronically shorten the sole of the foot (plantar fascia), calf muscles and Achilles tendons at the back of the ankle, not to mention the changes that occur in the low back, hips and knees to adjust our body’s centre of gravity. When summer approaches and we transition to flip flops with little or no arch support, the plantar fascia, Achilles tendons and calf muscles undergo a significant stretch, often to the point of pain. Having no support, flip flops alters the way you walk, causing you to grip with your toes. This gripping causes repetitive strain of the plantar aspect of your feet.  This often leads to damage to joints, tendons etc in the ankle, knee, hip and back, which if left untreated can lead to a ‘chronic’ dysfunction. Tip: When buying flip flops, try to find ones with an arch support, this will help to maintain correct alignment when walking.

If you are experiencing any of the above foot problems, or, are experiencing pain in the foot, ankle, knees, hips or back, please feel free to contact us at The Aark to discuss how we may help.

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