Misconceptions about Hypnotherapy…..What is Hypnotherapy ???

Most people’s preconceived ideas about Hypnotherapy are, in general, completely misunderstood and are often associated with the portrayal of hypnosis for entertainment purposes. There is certainly nothing mysterious or supernatural about hypnotherapy, which when used properly can be amazingly effective in bringing about the most beneficial changes in a persons life.  Hypnosis is a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious part of the mind to achieve that desired change.

Imagine your mind is like an iceberg, the conscious part of the mind is the part which is above the water, and the subconscious or unconscious mind  is the part beneath. The subconscious mind is responsible for our autonomic nervous system, regulating our internal organs and bodily functions. It is also where our beliefs, experiences and memories are stored.  Relaxation, induced via hypnotherapy allows access to the subconscious.

Everyone’s experience of hypnotherapy will be different, more often than not it will never be what you quite expected.  Essentially you will be placed in a pleasantly relaxed, sometimes dreamy state which may resemble sleep, but you will not be asleep. You will never lose your full sense of awareness, so you will be aware of everything that is being said to you, even though your mind may wander at times. Contrary to popular opinion you cannot be made to do anything against your will, so your subconscious mind will only accept those positive suggestions that are relevant to you, and any changes you wish to make.

Once people understand, that there is nothing to fear and are completely safe, they enter into the state of hypnosis easily. We all unknowingly experience this trance like state on a regular basis. How often have you driven somewhere and reached your destination, only to find that you don’t remember all aspects of your journey, it is the subconscious part of your mind that has taken over. The state of daydreaming is in fact a trance like state of awareness. We also enter this state just before sleep and before waking up.

In Today’s stressful world, the art of deep relaxation, hypnosis and self hypnosis can be extremely beneficial, especially when repeated on a regular basis. During this relaxed sometimes trance like state your body can become completely revitalised, allowing you to cope more with the stresses and strains of daily living.

Look out for a Relaxation method you can try…Subscribe, as it’s coming soon to ‘The Aark’….

Aark Author: Nina House

For more information on Hypnotherapy, or to see if Hypnotherapy can help you…please go to:

Website: househypnosis.co.uk

or contact



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