Weight Loss Tips!!! 10 Reasons why we need to drink more Water for Improved Weight Loss…

We all know Water is good for us, and that we need it to survive…But why is it so great for Weight Loss? We’ve previously talked about why it’s so beneficial for great skin…(View my blog: Good Skin starts from Within) but many people don’t realize just how important drinking water is if you want to lose weight and stay healthy.

The body expels approximately 1.5 litres of water every day through breathing, perspiring, defication and urination so it is vital that we drink lots of water!

1. Confusing Thirst for Hunger…We often confuse thirst with hunger, which leads us to load our body with unnecessary calories, when what we really need is a glass of water! It is a simple and healthy trick that will help you a lot in your weight loss efforts. The Recommended Daily allowance is roughly 2 litres depending on the amount of activity you do.

2. Acts as an Appetite Suppressant… Not only will you not confuse hunger with thirst but drinking the recommended daily amount of water can help as an appetite suppressant. It will help you feel full. Plan your meals and snacks and stick to them. Every time you are tempted to eat outside of this, have some water. It will curb your need for food and keep you on track.

3. Increases Metabolism… In our bodies, the Liver coverts stored fat into energy! This metabolism of fat is directly influenced by the amount of water you drink!!! The liver will act as a back-up for the kidney’s which need plenty of water to function properly. If they can’t function properly due to lack of water, the liver will have to kick in and help out, thus preventing it from metabolizing fat.

4. Replaces un-healthy Drink Choices… For many people, water is not their drink of choice, but replacing your unhealthy drink choices with water will not only help out your teeth and skin, but it will really make a difference to your weight. Carbonated sugary fizzy drinks are laden with calories, and coffees and teas can become calorific with milk and sugar! So by switching to water, you’ll save yourself calories and fat and increase weight loss!

5. Prevents Dehydration headaches.. When you’re restricting your calories during a weight loss programme, headaches can often be a horrible side effect! Some people who don’t drink the recommended daily allowance will get some of their water content from their food. When this is cut, there is even less water in the body and dehydration can often occur. Prevent this by drinking more water!

6. More energy.. When you are on a weight loss programme, having lots of energy will keep you focused and motivated! Dehydration will sap your energy and leave you feeling very tired. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated!  Dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.

7. Training & Exercise… You need to be hydrated to get the most out of any training or exercise that you do. If not, it will slow you down and make it extremely difficult. Exercise requires additional water, so be sure to hydrate before, during and after exercise!!!

8. Detox & Cleanse the body…We often hear about celebrity detoxes and body cleanses, but water alone, is a great way to cleanse and detox the body! Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products.

9. Constipation…Unfortunately constipation is another common side-effect if you are restricting your food intake or dehydrated. Try to make sure that you keep your body moving to keep weight loss steady! Try eating fibrous thermogenic foods..( View my blog: Turbo Boost your diet with our Top 10 Thermogenic Foods) and keep everything flushed with plenty of water!

10. Drink Cold Water… Drinking your water cold, will actually help you burn more calories! Normally water contains no calories, but when it is cold, the body actually needs to use calories to raise the water to the bodies temperature. Therefore, making cold water even more thermogenic!!! I like to fill a 2 litre bottle 3/4 of the way up and stick it in the freezer. Once frozen, I top up with cold water. This way, I know when I’ve drunk my recommended daily allowance, and the ice keeps it nice and cold and melts slowly throughout the day!

So…Try it out and see how your Weight Loss and over all health improves by drinking more water each day!

Author: Anna Sharp

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