Swim your way to a healthier you!!!

We all know ‘Swimming’ is great for our health, but do you know the  #1 stroke to strengthen, tone and elongate your body?…..


  • One of the most thorough ways to exercise the whole body is via swimming. Swimming recruits nearly all muscle groups and requires an enormous amount of brain activity to coordinate the movement.
  • The water provides a great resistance! It is enough to strengthen and tone the body without demanding too much.
  • It will give you a rigorous upper and lower body workout at the same time. Also, there is minimal stress placed on the joints unlike running or other grounded sports.

Health benefits from swimming:

  • You train the body as one unit, every muscle working together synergistically.
  • You are not isolating a particular muscle, unless undertaking rehabilitative work.
  • You strengthen the muscles whilst getting a very good cardiovascular workout, protecting joints, mobilising and even freeing up compacted joints (especially in the spine).

The list is endless…..

BUTAre you grooving bad habits?….

Of course, all the above is dependent on a sound swimming stroke. Pay attention to how symmetrical your stroke is, for example:

The breast stroke: Ensure you don’t hold your neck to just one side to breath, alternate each side so that you neck is not fixed in one position. Also, allow your hair to get wet or buy a swimming cap! Straining your neck in extension to protect your hair from getting wet can cause more problems for you. Be aware of both legs doing to same amount of work and following the same pattern of movement. Try not to let one leg get lazy and the more dominant one take over. These imperfections create imbalances you don’t need. The most ideal strokes for overall body health are the Back stroke and the Front crawl.

The back stroke: is great for working those posterior chain muscles of the back, lengthening the spine, keeping you as tall as possible, aswell as maintaining great range of movement in the shoulders, spine pelvis and legs.

The front crawl: is great for getting the heart rate up quickly, upper and lower body toning and working the front side of the body. Alternating these two styles lap after lap will develop a well balanced physique that is strong, supple and very healthy.

Equally important is that swimming is a great stress buster!!! It’s hard for stress not to leave your body around water, like the tide washing away your anxieties. It improves your total circulation and forces stiff muscles to relax. Even if you are not ready to take the plunge and become a great swimmer, at least get in there, walk, run or paddle around in the water. Water refreshes, it rejuvenates, it revitalizes!!

Author: Lloyd Tilney

To protect your Hair during Swimming, you may wish to view our Blog: ‘Protect your Hair!!! Use Philip Kingsley Swimcap treatment’  by Aark Author: Anna Sharp…

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