VITAMIN D. Most of us are deficient!

Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Where do you get yours from?

Although not actually a vitamin at all, Vitamin D is really a hormone!

A steroid hormone to be exact. The term Vitamin D refers to Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, these crucial hormones are integrally used in about 3000 chemical mechanisms in the body. Considering there are 30,000 mechanisms taking place in total thats a lot.

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As the winter starts to approach it is important to make sure you take good care of your joints. When the joints are cold they are more susceptible to injury. If you are also unfortunate to suffer with Arthritis or other joint conditions, it is especially important to follow some simple tips to ensure you enjoy this winter without being hampered by injury and aches & pains.

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One of the worlds oldest and trusted detoxifying remedy. Activated Charcoal is known to be a powerful toxin killer. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH YOUR BARBECUE CHARCOAL!, THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CONSUMED!

It can be bought in capsule form, is odourless, tasteless and non toxic. The ‘ACTIVATED’ part means it has a very small particle size, which creates an enormous surface area for toxins to bind to.

For over 10,000 years chinese medicine, ayervedic and western medicine have used Activated Charcoal to improve the health of the intestines and bind to poisons in a process known as ADSORPTION (meaning to bind). Activated charcoal does not absorb into the body as in ‘ABSORPTION’. It stays in the G.I tract and takes toxins with it when you have a bowel movement. Toxins it’s not used for are when petroleum, acids, corrosive poisons are ingested. Obviously, in this case, I would head to A+E.

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If you haven’t yet read part one of Leaky Gut here is the link Leaky Gut.

Healing a Leaky Gut starts and ends with the microbiome. We have to identify what foods or irritants are entering your GUT in the first place that’s causing the breakdown of the gut lining and chronic inflammation.

This can be very difficult but excluding these known irritants is a start:

  • Grains
  • Chemical additives found in processed food
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Unhealthy oils like corn, vegetable, soya bean
  • alcohol made with wheat, barley etc
  • Excessive carbohydrates
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Many people are unaware what is LEAKY GUT. You probably have, most people do. I’ve been researching leaky gut and other gut related health conditions for the past 8 months now and thought i’d shed some light on leaky gut to help spread the word about what it is and how we can repair our gut.


Leaky gut is clearly a condition that affects the gut, but it is so much more than that. This condition affects the entire body, from gut to brain, from liver to thyroid. In my previous post I talked about the MICROBIOME (all the bacteria in our intestines) and the importance of knowing how to feeding the good bacteria.

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SPD (Symphysis pubis dysfunction) Or PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) is a very common and painful condition affecting millions of pregnant women.


A condition affecting the joints, muscles and ligaments of the pelvic girdle, namely the sacroiliac joints, the symphysis pubis and also the hips joints. SPD/PGP is a very complex biomechanical dysfunction of the lumbar spine and pelvis as it distributes the weight bearing forces. This is largely due to the hormonal changes taking place, as well as the structural and functional changes being placed upon it.

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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain condition occurring in a defined pattern reproduced by pressure on specific tender points across the body. This is now thought to be a result of biochemical changes in the central nervous system (CNS). Very low levels of serotonin, 4 fold increase in nerve growth factor, elevated levels of substance P and dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. Essentially an abnormal processing of the bodys pain perception. The cause is unknown, however stress is believed to play a major role. Symptoms include disturbed sleep patterns, insomnia, irritable bowel, headaches, anxiety, fatigue, all over tenderness, aching all over among others. Women tend to suffer more from Fibromyalgia than men.


Many patients suffering with Fibromyalgia often gain much relief from Osteopathic care and Medical Acupuncture. Whilst it may not cure their symptoms, pain management, improving the integrity of the tissues, range of movement and suppleness of muscles often yields great reduction of symptoms. Hypnotherapy is also used as a Pain management treatment for Fibromyalgia, as well as specialist Hyno-Relaxation sessions to reduce stress levels and ease perception of pain. At The Aark we can offer a customized management plan that suits your needs and preferences. We will also offer nutritional advice to assist alleviation of your symptoms.

Author Lloyd Tilney B.Ost (Hons)



In my previous post I spoke about the importance of your GUT health, the microbiome. I also mentioned how you would be incredibly lucky NOT to have a dysfunctional microbiome and poor GUT health.


Fermenting food dates back over 7000 years. Sauerkraut, cabbage, milk, coconut kefir, kimchi, kombucha tea, pickles, pickled food in brine not vinegar, fermented meat & fish, yoghurt, and many other types of foods all contain yeast and bacteria or both. Fermentation is a process whereby carbohydrates are broken down into alcohols, carbon dioxide or organic acids. It can only occur where these organisms are deprived of oxygen. The type of fermentation that’s important is LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION, this produces many good bacteria and prevents the bad bacteria due to its low ph level. Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus brevis,and Bifidobacteria  lactis and longum are essential for creating a healthy gut and aid digestion of very important vitamins A, C, K and B’s.

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